A small town navigates into the future. Which is the direction, who is on board? A region has to cope with the Energiewende and needs to attract qualified employees. Which spatial images help to meet these challenges and draw stakeholders into discourse and cooperation?
Pathways through landscapes at Munich´s fringes
The study „Landschaftsbezogene Wegekonzeption für den Grüngürtel München“ is searching for ideas for the improvement of pathways in Munich´s green belt. Henrik Schultz and Börries von Detten identify types of pathways and generate ideas for a resilient web of paths for both cyclists and walkers. Guided walks are a constituent element of the co-creative process inspiring different actors to discuss potentials and challenges.
Parklandschaft 2.0
Ursula Stein and Henrik Schultz explore the lessons learnt from developing Regionale 2016 landscape projects. Together with regional stakeholders they envision strategies for “Parklandschaft 2.0”. [++]
Arnsberg´s villages
An integrated concept focuses on the rural parts of the city of Arnsberg. Ursula Stein and Henrik Schultz design the collaborative process of analysing and visioning the future of Arnsberg´s villages. [++]
Die Arnsberger Dörfer
Pathway along Ausbach in Vreden
A new pathway will connect the inner city of Vreden and the “Berkelsee”. How can it become a prefered path for youths? How can the Ausbach provide a better habitat for species and play its role in flood protection? Henrik Schultz works on designs for a path and its surrounding sites. Commissioned by the City of Vreden, since 2014
Perspektivplan Freiburg
With more than 1000 new jobs every year there is a need for new housing developments in Freiburg. The „Perspektivplan“ analyses the situation, visualizes potentials, designs strategies and discusses scenarios. The result will be a spatial vision fostering strategic and integrated planning. Henrik Schultz designs strategies and images – together with cityförster and freiwurf. [++]
Zukunftsbild Olfen
Strategies, Images and projects for the spatial development of Olfen [++]
Strategies for the periphery of Munich
Combining strategic thinking and site-specific design work [++]
Bad Neuenahr: Flows of Energy
The complexity and diversity of intertwined land use and the massive impact of transport infrastructure in the region call for substantial cooperation of the municipalities. Which principles and measures help to develop a decent level of service for commuters as well as attractive living areas, appropriate business zones and accessible open space?
The “Raummotiv Verflechtung” (to be translated roughly as “theme of spatial interrelations”) serves as illustration of this task. The job was funded by the Ministry of Urban development in Northrhine-Westphalia in the context of a call for concepts for urban regions. Commissioned by Bergisch Gladbach, since 2016
Cologne and neighbours: space and perspectives
The complexity and diversity of intertwined land use and the massive impact of transport infrastructure in the region call for substantial cooperation of the municipalities. Which principles and measures help to develop a decent level of service for commuters as well as attractive living areas, appropriate business zones and accessible open space?
The “Raummotiv Verflechtung” (to be translated roughly as “theme of spatial interrelations”) serves as illustration of this task. The job was funded by the Ministry of Urban development in Northrhine-Westphalia in the context of a call for concepts for urban regions. Commissioned by Bergisch Gladbach, since 2016
New perspectives for rivers – reloaded
What is new concerning the riverscapes of ZukunftsLAND? Two years after the first campaign for multi-faceted river development, a series of discussions and interviews explore the „state of the art“. [++]
Skulpturenpark Vreden
During the last 50 years, Adolf and Johanna Erning created a fascinating sculpture park on their property. Now they want to open it to the public. Henrik Schultz designed a concept that preserves the special character of the place and finds new entrances to the park. [++]
2Stromland – paths of the landscape of the future
Experimenting with new land uses [++]
Voerde 2030
The strategic study identifies qualities, develops integrative strategies and defines an immediate action programme in co-operation with citizens and politicians. [++]
Freizeit- und Kulturpark Wiesbaden
Entwurf eines Parks kombiniert mit einem Prozess zur Beteiligung der Akteure auf einem ehemaligen Schlachthofareal. Im Auftrag des Stadtplanungsamtes der Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden, 2005 – Ausführungsplanung 2007
Kooperation und Partizipation für den Regionalpark Saar und den Saarkohlenwald
Beratung und Konzeption im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Umwelt Saarland im Rahmen des EU-Projekts SAUL sustainable & accessible urban landscapes, 2003 – 2004
Concept for open spaces, Stühlinger, Freiburg
What will be the role oft he typical small creeks that run through the neighborhood? Can we make the Eschholzpark a divers meeting point? Where do people garden, where do children play? How do future street-scapes look like? The concept for open spaces approaches these questions. Henrik Schultz works in a team with freiwurf and cityförster, 2017, commissioned by the city of Freiburg
Spatial vision Thuringia
The international building exhibition in Thuringia focusses on rural-urban interconnections in the area around the cities of Weimar and Jena. Together with Sabine Rabe and Sigrun Langner, Ursula Stein and Henrik Schultz design a spatial vision – a vivid, meaningful spatial image for the future sustainable development of the region. [++]
Mannheim: Conversion Coleman Barracks
Finding ideas for the area of the Coleman Barracks together with citizens [++]
Würzburg: Masterplan Faulenberg
Integrated spatial concept for former military site Faulenberg [++]
Vreden: Old graveyard
A graveyard becomes a garden. A story, a design and a local foundation play important roles. [++]
Luzern: Starke Stadtregion
Grundlagenstudie zur gemeinsamen räumlichen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der Stadt Luzern und ihren Nachbargemeinden, gemeinsam mit Ernst Basler+Partner, Zürich und S.K.A.T Architekten und Stadtplaner, Bonn. Im Auftrag der Stadt Luzern, 2006
Interkommunale Kooperation in der Region Bonn/Rhein-Sieg/Ahrweiler:
Einzelhandels- und Zentrenkonzept Region Bonn/Rhein-Sieg/Ahrweiler (2000-2003), gemeinsam mit von Rothkirch und Partner, Düsseldorf, und planquadrat Dortmund
Wohnungsmarktuntersuchung Region Bonn/Rhein-Sieg/Ahrweiler (1993-1995) gemeinsam mit Zlonicky Wachten Ebert, Dortmund, und prognos, Köln
Impulsprogramm Wohnungsmarkt Region Bonn/Rhein-Sieg/Ahrweiler (1996-1998), gemeinsam mit WohnBundBeratung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bochum
Auszeichnung beim Bundeswettbewerb kommKOOP 2006
Spatial vision “Côte du Sud”
Cooperative process to find an image for the future development of a region [++]