Prof. Dr.-Ing. Urban and regional Planner AKH, Systemic Consultant
I am fascinated by the diversity of people who engage in spatial development. They provide ideas, power, everyday expertise, dreams, money, land, decisions, resistance and many other useful things. Therefore, besides creating strategies for cities and regions, my main focus in our work is on process design and cooperative planning procedures. This also includes consultancy and capacity building for stakeholders, organisations and teams.
My portfolio of knowledge and methods is designed to help a variety of people with a variety of interests to get to terms and to develop space in a sound and sustainable way. When we give space the opportunity to play its special role in our on-site sessions, it makes the job much easier and creates much more valid outcomes. It is much more fun for all, too! Spatial design and process design merge into unusual images and creative strategic concepts. They arise from the co-operation between us and the stakeholders. These moments of successful cooperation always make me feel how much I love my profession.
Besides my studies of spatial planning, I have been trained in the areas of facilitation, creativity tools, management methods and systemic consultancy. Bernd Schmid, founder of the Institute for Systemic Consulting in Wiesloch, Germany, has been an inspiring teacher. My curiosity, especially concerning technical matters, makes sure that my toolbox remains open at all times.
+49(0) 69 95524162